Transporte Barcelona

Transporte Barcelona

T- Casual 

T- Usual

T- Grup

T- Dia


Individual 10-journey ticket.


Individual travel card valid for 10 intermodal journeys from 1 to 6 zones. In the case of one-zone cards, passengers have 75 minutes between the first and last validation when changing lines or mode of transport. This time increases by 15 minutes for each zone. Not valid for Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro stations on line L9 Sud.

The T-casual is a travel card similar to the T-10. The T-10 will be sold until 31 December 2019 and can be used until 29 February 2020.

Prices of the T-casual travel card by zone

Prices by zone

1 zone

2 zones

3 zones

4 zones

5 zones

6 zones








An individual ticket for an unlimited number of journeys in one month


An individual non-transferable travel card valid for an unlimited number of journeys in 30 consecutive days from the first validation. T-usual cards must be used in conjunction with a valid ID—national ID document or any official ID document. The number of the ID document used must be printed on the travel card. Valid for Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro stations on line L9 Sud.

The T-usual has the same characteristics as the T-mes (monthly ticket). The T-mes will be sold until 31 December 2019 and can be used until 29 February or until the card expires, if this is before.

Prices of the T-usual travel card by zone

Prices by zone

1 zone

2 zones

3 zones

4 zones

5 zones

6 zones








A multi-person ticket for 70 journeys in 30 days.


A multi-person travel card valid for 70 journeys in 30 consecutive days from the first validation. In the case of one-zone cards, passengers have 75 minutes between the first and last validation when changing lines or mode of transport. This time increases by 15 minutes for each zone. Not valid for Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro stations on line L9 Sud.

The T-grup is a travel card similar to the T-70/30. The T-70/30 will be sold until 31 December 2019 and can be used until 29 February or until the card expires, if this is before.

Prices of the T-grup travel card by zone

Prices by zone

1 zone

2 zones

3 zones

4 zones

5 zones

6 zones








Individual ticket for an unlimited number of journeys in one day.


Individual travel card valid for an unlimited number of journeys in the zones delimited by the first validation, on all modes of transport according to the zones to be crossed (1 to 6 zones). Validity: 24 hours (1 day) as of first validation. Valid for a maximum of one round trip to or from Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro stations on line L9 Sud.

Prices of the T-dia travel card by zone

Prices by zone

1 zone

2 zones

3 zones

4 zones

5 zones

6 zones





